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Forge Your Future: A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's Answers to Your Questions on Life, Career, and Nation

Forge Your Future by Kalam PDF Free: A Book Review

If you are looking for a book that can inspire you to pursue your dreams, enhance your knowledge, unleash your creativity, develop your leadership, uphold your ethics, nurture your spirituality, and serve your nation, then you should read Forge Your Future by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. This book is a collection of answers that Kalam gave to various questions that he received from people across India through emails, letters, social media, etc. In this book, Kalam shares his insights, experiences, stories, anecdotes, quotes, poems, etc. on various topics that are relevant for today's youth and society. In this article, we will review this book and highlight its main themes and messages.

forge your future by kalam pdf free

The Power of Dreams

The first chapter of the book is about the power of dreams. Kalam narrates how he had a dream of becoming a pilot when he was a young boy, but he could not achieve it due to various reasons. However, he did not give up on his dreams and pursued his passion for science and technology. He became a renowned aerospace engineer, scientist, and leader who played a key role in India's space and missile programs. He also became the 11th President of India and earned the title of "The People's President". He says that dreams are the seeds of success and that we should have a vision for our future and work hard to realize it. He also says that we should not let the failures and difficulties discourage us, but rather learn from them and improve ourselves. He advises us to have faith in ourselves and in God, and to seek guidance from our mentors and role models.

The Power of Knowledge

The second chapter of the book is about the power of knowledge. Kalam explains how he acquired and applied knowledge in various fields and domains, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, management, literature, arts, etc. He says that knowledge is the foundation of excellence and that we should always be curious and eager to learn new things. He also says that we should not limit ourselves to one discipline or domain, but rather explore the interconnections and synergies among different areas of knowledge. He advises us to use various sources and methods of gaining knowledge, such as books, journals, magazines, newspapers, internet, online courses, seminars, workshops, lectures, etc. He also advises us to use knowledge to create value and solve problems for ourselves and others.

The Power of Creativity

The third chapter of the book is about the power of creativity. Kalam demonstrates his creativity and innovation in his projects and initiatives, such as the SLV-3 satellite launch vehicle, the Agni missile, the Pokhran nuclear tests, the Vision 2020 document, etc. He says that creativity is the ability to think out of the box and to generate new ideas and solutions. He also says that creativity is not a gift or a talent, but a skill that can be developed and enhanced with practice and training. He advises us to cultivate and nurture our creativity by reading widely, observing keenly, questioning critically, experimenting boldly, collaborating effectively, etc. He also advises us to use our creativity to address the challenges and opportunities that we face in our personal and professional lives.

The Power of Leadership

The fourth chapter of the book is about the power of leadership. Kalam exhibits his leadership qualities and vision in his roles and responsibilities as a scientist, a manager, a teacher, a president, a citizen, etc. He says that leadership is the ability to influence others positively and to achieve common goals. He also says that leadership is not a position or a title, but a responsibility and a service. He advises us to become effective and inspiring leaders by developing our communication skills, emotional intelligence, decision-making skills, team-building skills, etc. He also advises us to become visionary leaders by having a clear vision for our future and by aligning our actions with our values.

The Power of Ethics

The fifth chapter of the book is about the power of ethics. Kalam upholds his values and morals in his personal and professional life. He says that ethics is the code of conduct that guides our behavior and actions. He also says that ethics is not a matter of convenience or compromise, but a matter of conscience and commitment. He advises us to cultivate and practice ethical behavior and decision-making by following the principles of honesty, integrity, transparency, accountability, etc. He also advises us to face the ethical dilemmas and challenges that we encounter in today's world with courage and conviction.

The Power of Spirituality

The sixth chapter of the book is about the power of spirituality. Kalam expresses his faith and spirituality in his beliefs and practices. He says that spirituality is the connection with the divine or the higher power that gives meaning and purpose to our lives. He also says that spirituality is not a matter of religion or ritual, but a matter of love and compassion. He advises us to nurture our spirituality by meditating regularly, praying sincerely, reading scriptures wisely, etc. He also advises us to integrate spirituality into our daily lives and routines by being grateful for what we have, being generous with what we can give, being forgiving for what we have done or received wrongfully.

The Power of Service

The seventh chapter of the book is about the power of service. Kalam serves his nation and humanity with his contributions and achievements. He says that service is the act of giving back to society what we have received from it. He also says that service is not a matter of obligation or charity, but a matter of duty or joy. He advises us to serve others in our society and environment by using our talents, skills, and passions, etc. He also advises us to make a positive difference in the world with our service and generosity.


In conclusion, Forge Your Future by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam is a book that can motivate and guide us to achieve our goals and aspirations. This book teaches us how to use our dreams, knowledge, creativity, leadership, ethics, spirituality, and service to forge our own future and to contribute to the progress and development of our nation and humanity. This book is a treasure of wisdom and inspiration that can enrich our lives and empower us to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. If you want to read this book for free, you can download it from a reliable source by clicking here.


Q1: Who is A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and why is he famous?

A1: A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was an Indian scientist, engineer, educator, author, and leader who served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. He is famous for his contributions to India's space and missile programs, his vision for India's development, his inspiring speeches and books, his humble and simple personality, and his love and respect for the people of India.

Q2: What are some of the achievements and awards that Kalam received in his life?

A2: Some of the achievements and awards that Kalam received in his life are: - He was the chief architect of India's first satellite launch vehicle (SLV-3) that launched Rohini satellite in 1980. - He was the project director of India's first indigenous missile (Agni) that was successfully tested in 1989. - He was the scientific adviser to the defence minister and the secretary of the defence research and development organisation (DRDO) from 1992 to 1999. - He was the principal scientific adviser to the government of India and the chairman of the technology information, forecasting and assessment council (TIFAC) from 1999 to 2001. - He was involved in the Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998 that established India as a nuclear weapon state. - He was elected as the President of India with a huge majority in 2002 and served till 2007. - He authored or co-authored more than 20 books on various topics, such as Wings of Fire, Ignited Minds, India 2020, etc. - He received several honorary doctorates from various universities across the world. - He received several awards and honors from various national and international organizations, such as Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan, Padma Shri, Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration, Ramanujan Award, Hoover Medal, King Charles II Medal, etc.

Q3: What are some of the other books that Kalam wrote or co-authored?

A3: Some of the other books that Kalam wrote or co-authored are: - My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions - Turning Points: A Journey Through Challenges - Target 3 Billion: Innovative Solutions Towards Sustainable Development - Transcendence: My Spiritual Experiences with Pramukh Swamiji - Reignited: Scientific Pathways to a Brighter Future - Advantage India: From Challenge to Opportunity - Beyond 2020: A Vision for Tomorrow's India - You Are Born To Blossom: Take My Journey Beyond - Inspiring Thoughts - Indomitable Spirit - The Luminous Sparks - Mission India - Guiding Souls - Children Ask Kalam - The Life Tree

Q4: Where can I find more information about Kalam's life and work?

A4: You can find more information about Kalam's life and work from various sources, such as: - His official website: - His foundation website: - His Wikipedia page: - His biography by Arun Tiwari: A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: The Visionary of India - His documentary by NDTV: The People's President - His interviews and speeches on YouTube and other platforms

Q5: How can I contact or follow Kalam's foundation or social media accounts?

A5: You can contact or follow Kalam's foundation or social media accounts by using the following links: - Email: - Facebook: - Twitter: - Instagram: - YouTube: - LinkedIn: 71b2f0854b


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