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Simak Cara Download Surat Keterangan Domisili dari RT yang Mudah dan Akurat

Download Surat Domisili RT: What, Why, and How

If you are a newcomer or a temporary resident in a certain area in Indonesia, you may need to obtain a Surat Domisili RT or a letter of domicile from the neighborhood head. This letter is a proof of your residential address and a requirement for various administrative purposes. In this article, we will explain what Surat Domisili RT is, why it is important, and how to download it easily.

What is Surat Domisili RT?

Definition and function of Surat Domisili RT

Surat Domisili RT (or sometimes Surat Keterangan Domisili) is a letter from your local neighborhood head (Kepala Rukun Tetangga or Kepala RT) that certifies your residential address in his or her area. Literally, it means letter of domicile at the neighborhood level. However, functionally it is more accurately a proof of residence.

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Surat Domisili RT is often a starting point to obtain other forms of identification in Indonesia or when dealing with government entities such as Catatan Sipil (Civil Registry). It is also a prerequisite for applying for various services or benefits such as bank accounts, marriage documents, school registration, scholarships, tax numbers, government assistance, etc.

Types and examples of Surat Domisili RT

Surat Domisili RT can be divided into four types according to the need. The four types are individuals, companies, businesses, and introductions. To make it easier for you to understand, let's look at the explanations and examples below.

  • Individual SKD: This letter is used for anyone who wants to move or settle in an area outside the original address of the ID card. An example of the form of the letter is as below.

  • Company SKD: This letter is used as a formal document to inform the establishment of a business entity in a certain area or region. It is also a requirement for obtaining permits and taxes for the company.

  • Business SKD: This letter is used as a proof of business location for small-scale businesses or home industries that operate in a certain area.

  • SKD at RT Level (Introduction Letter): This letter is used as an introduction letter from the neighborhood head to the sub-district head or village head. It is usually needed before obtaining the official Surat Domisili from the sub-district or village office.

Why is Surat Domisili RT important?

Legal basis and obligation of Surat Domisili RT

The legal basis for Surat Domisili RT is regulated in Article 15 Paragraph 1 of the Law on Population Administration. Every newcomer or temporary resident must report their presence and obtain a letter of domicile or a letter of relocation from the authorized institution such as the village head or sub-district head office.

The obligation to have Surat Domisili RT is also based on the principle of population registration that aims to record and update the data of every citizen in Indonesia. By having Surat Domisili RT, you are helping the government to map the distribution and composition of the population in each region.

Benefits and uses of Surat Domisili RT?

Surat Domisili RT has many benefits and uses for you as a resident in a certain area. Some of the benefits and uses are as follows:

  • It proves your identity and address: Surat Domisili RT is a valid document that shows your personal information and residential address. It can be used as a reference for other institutions or parties that need to verify your identity and address.

  • It facilitates your administrative needs: Surat Domisili RT is a requirement for many administrative purposes such as applying for ID cards, driver's licenses, passports, marriage certificates, birth certificates, death certificates, etc. It can also help you to access various public services such as health care, education, social security, etc.

  • It supports your economic activities: Surat Domisili RT is a necessity for opening bank accounts, applying for loans, registering businesses, paying taxes, etc. It can also help you to obtain various incentives or subsidies from the government or other organizations.

  • It protects your rights and interests: Surat Domisili RT is a proof of your legal status and residence in a certain area. It can help you to claim your rights and interests such as voting, participating in community activities, receiving assistance, etc. It can also help you to avoid any disputes or conflicts with other residents or authorities.

How to download Surat Domisili RT?

Requirements and procedures for obtaining Surat Domisili RT

To obtain Surat Domisili RT, you need to prepare some requirements and follow some procedures. The requirements and procedures may vary depending on the type of Surat Domisili RT that you need and the area where you live. However, generally, the requirements and procedures are as follows:

  • Prepare the required documents: The documents that you need to prepare may include your ID card (KTP), family card (KK), rental contract (if applicable), letter of recommendation from your employer or institution (if applicable), passport-sized photo, etc.

  • Visit the neighborhood head office: You need to visit the neighborhood head office where you live and submit your documents. You also need to fill out a form and pay a fee (if any).

  • Wait for the verification process: The neighborhood head will verify your documents and check your residential status. He or she may also visit your residence to confirm your address.

  • Receive your Surat Domisili RT: After the verification process is done, you will receive your Surat Domisili RT from the neighborhood head. You need to sign it and keep it safely.

Online and offline methods for downloading Surat Domisili RT

Besides visiting the neighborhood head office, you can also download Surat Domisili RT online or offline. Here are some methods that you can try:

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  • Online method: You can download Surat Domisili RT online by visiting the official website of your sub-district or village office. You need to register an account, log in, fill out an online form, upload your documents, and wait for the approval. After that, you can download and print your Surat Domisili RT.

  • Offline method: You can download Surat Domisili RT offline by visiting the nearest public service center (Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu or PTSP) in your area. You need to bring your documents, fill out a form, pay a fee (if any), and wait for the processing. After that, you can receive and print your Surat Domisili RT.


Surat Domisili RT is a letter of domicile from the neighborhood head that proves your residential address in a certain area. It is important for various legal, administrative, economic, and social purposes. To obtain Surat Domisili RT, you need to prepare some documents and follow some procedures. You can also download Surat Domisili RT online or offline by using some methods.


Q: How long does it take to get Surat Domisili RT?

A: The time needed to ge


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